7 Talent Engagement Tactics to Win Top Talent

scouttalentBlog, Recruitment Services, Talent Engagement

Did you know? Employee turnover can cost companies 6 to 9 months of an employee’s salary to find and train their replacement. According to a report by SHRM, the costs for highly trained positions can be even higher, up to 213% of the annual salary. Efficient hiring not only saves significant costs but also prevents the loss of productivity and … Read More

7 Ways to Enhance Workplace Safety and Hire Safety-Conscious Employees

scouttalentBlog, Recruitment Services

Attract and hire safety-couscous construction employees and build a safe workforce.

Building a safe workplace is a shared responsibility that demands the commitment of everyone involved. For employers in the construction and manufacturing sectors, fostering a strong safety culture is not only essential for the long-term sustainability of their businesses but also for fulfilling legal obligations, minimizing risks, and reducing accidents. Additionally, emphasizing workplace safety can attract top-notch candidates who value … Read More

New Scout Talent App helps you hire faster from your phone

scouttalentApplicant Tracking System, Blog, Recruitment Services, Recruitment Technology

scout talent app

We’re launching a new feature for all :Recruit users to take their talent acquisition process on the go and get great hiring results wherever they are. Rolling out in April 2022, the new Scout Talent App makes your recruitment process more accessible and reduces the time to hire, helping you drive growth for your organization no matter your location. You … Read More

Could hiring for potential help overcome the talent shortage?

scouttalentBlog, Recruitment Services, Shortlisting & Selection

overcome the talent shortage

We are experiencing a tight labor market. Very few people are unemployed, and businesses throughout the world are trying to find any talent they can from the increasingly limited number of job seekers currently available. In order to fill their existing roles,  many organizations are being forced to look outside the box – to rethink how they find talent in … Read More

Tips to attract top graduate talent in 2021

scouttalentBlog, Interns, Recruitment Services

graduate talent

University graduates are feeling the pinch of COVID-19 on their job prospects, with many forced to adapt their career paths as a result. A new study by job site Indeed reveals 80 percent of tertiary graduates feel downcast about graduate employment prospects in their chosen field of study, believing the job market has been negatively impacted by the pandemic. Nearly … Read More

Leadership strategies to build a resilient, hybrid workforce

scouttalentBlog, Leadership, Recruitment Services

leadership strategies

With changing market conditions, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and increased competition, many leaders are concerned about their team members feeling disengaged and disconnected. Cultivating resilience is the key to facing these challenges and continuing to adapt. But it’s not a quick fix. Stuart Taylor, CEO and co-founder of resilience training organization, Springfox, teaches leaders how to build resilient workforces. An … Read More

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: 7 ways to tailor your job ad to attract a more diverse talent pool

scouttalentBlog, Diversity, Employer Branding, Recruitment Services

talent pool

A recent survey by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) found that 57% of recruiters say their talent acquisition strategies are designed to attract diverse candidates. Like many organizations, you may be prioritizing diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) in 2021. A commitment to DE&I is not only the right thing to do, it’s also smart leadership and good business. … Read More

How to recruit and hire interns in a remote-working world

scouttalentBlog, Candidate Attraction, Interns, Recruitment Services, Remote Working

hire interns

Do you recruit and hire interns in your organization? If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all of the sudden changes that have come about due to the Covid-19 pandemic, don’t worry. These tips will give you the knowledge you need to recruit and hire interns in a remote-working world.  Since the pandemic, the internship recruiting and hiring process has completely changed. … Read More